
Get Firstlinks insights within Sharesight

by Stephanie Stefanovic, Content Manager, Sharesight | Nov 2nd 2021

We’ve partnered with Firstlinks (formerly Cuffelinks) to bring their exclusive ASX investing insights directly into your Sharesight portfolio.

Firstlinks Sharesight

Firstlinks is a free investment newsletter and news publication based in Australia, written by financial market professionals with experience in wealth management, superannuation, banking, academia and financial advice. They speak to engaged investors and financial services professionals.

As stated on their About Us page:

Authors of articles in Firstlinks are investors and market practitioners with long careers in senior management positions. Firstlinks shares both their knowledge and their battle scars. Our community discusses ideas from an informed and impartial point of view, without pushing products or promoting services.

The best part about Firstlinks is that it’s fiercely independent. It does not promote products, take commissions, or require paid subscriptions.

If Firstlinks has published articles about a particular stock, you’ll find it on the individual holding page within your Sharesight portfolio (if you don’t yet have one, you’ll need to sign up for a free Sharesight account). Just scroll down to Recent News to see the latest insights from Firstlinks.

Firstlinks in Sharesight Sharesight supports news feeds for Australian news and research publications such as Firstlinks, ausbiz, Livewire and Small Caps.


  • There is no additional cost to access the Firstlinks news feed within your Sharesight portfolio.
  • As well as commenting on specific stocks, Firstlinks also publishes thematic articles on topics such as asset allocation, portfolio re-construction, and government policy. Unless a specific stock is mentioned in an article, it will not appear within Sharesight’s news feed. For this reason, we highly recommend signing up to the Firstlinks free weekly newsletter.


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