International shares + manual entry now available!
The latest good news from Sharesight is that we now support international shares! And that's not all. You can now manually enter investments that Sharesight does not cover (for example unlisted shares, managed funds, and shares on other international exchanges).
Better yet, this new functionality is available to all Sharesight customers at no cost - your subscription stays the same.
International shares
Sharesight now supports shares on the New York (NYSE), NASDAQ, and London (LSE) stock exchanges. You can now add these shares into your portfolio just as you would for an ASX or NZX share. Simply choose the appropriate exchange from the drop down list when adding a new share.
Create and maintain your own instruments
To record an unlisted instrument or one that is listed on an exchange that Sharesight does not currently support, select 'OTHER' in the 'Market' drop down box. To create a new instrument on the 'OTHER' market, ensure that the 'Add New?' tick box is selected.
Once you have added a share on the 'OTHER' market you can manually record dividends and trades against it just like any other share in Sharesight.
To get up-to-date performance information all you need to do is enter the latest price. Simply go to the detail page and click 'enter a price' in the right hand sidebar. Click 'show prices' to view or edit historical prices.
The 'Show Prices' page allows you to enter new prices and modify existing prices (simply click on the prices to edit them). This page also contains an 'Upload Bulk Prices' function which allows you to import a CSV file containing share prices (such as the historic price files that can be obtained via the Google finance or Yahoo finance websites).
Generating income with ETFs
Investing in income-focused ETFs can be a good alternative to term deposits, rental properties and stocks, providing diversification while minimising effort.
How to track exchange-traded funds (ETFs)
In this article we discuss the history of ETFs, some of the tax considerations for investors and how you can track the performance of your ETFs with Sharesight.
Sharesight product updates – September 2024
This month's focus was on improving our investment search function, expanding our broker support and taking further steps towards customisable reporting.