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featured - Emily Grunberg

Why I use Sharesight to track my portfolio

by Emily Grunberg | May 15th 2017

Sharesight Analytical Marketing Manager Emily Grunberg explains why she doesn't rely on her broker for her investment portfolio performance.

featured - London - Bank & Bus

Wrap-up of the 2017 British Australian Fintech Forum

by Doug Morris | May 10th 2017

Our thoughts on the British Australian Fintech Forum (BAFF), which took place in London from Wednesday 19th April to Friday 21st April.

featured - House Jenga

How using Super to buy a house robs your future self

by Doug Morris | Apr 26th 2017

The proposal to let young Australians divert money from superannuation to buy their first home is a terrible idea that suffers from short-term thinking.

featured - London - Financial District

Sharesight wins spot on British Australian Fintech Forum

by Doug Morris | Apr 18th 2017

Sharesight has been awarded a spot on the British Australian Fintech Forum (BAFF) taking place in London April 19-21, 2017.

featured - Angels and Demons

Vice or virtue - what's the better investment?

by Doug Morris | Apr 13th 2017

Thematic investing is a useful tactic, but it’s wise to know what you’re actually buying and at what price. What are the better investments: vices or virtues?

featured - 2017 stock picking competition - April update

2017 stock picking competition - April update

by Doug Morris | Apr 12th 2017

Track the April update of our 2017 stock picking competition and see who's in the lead so far: Sharesight customers, Livewire readers, or the Fund Managers.

featured - time & Australian money

Introducing 20 minute delayed pricing for ASX holdings

by Angela Thompson | Apr 11th 2017

Today we're pleased to announce 20 minute delayed pricing for holdings listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX).

featured - Harvey Norman

Is the Harvey Norman short finally paying off?

by Doug Morris | Apr 6th 2017

No Harvey No! In what's been a frustrating and expensive mistake, the Harvey Norman short is finally drawing blood. Here's the proof.

featured - Clendon family

My investing journey

by Ben Clendon | Mar 28th 2017

Sharesight Senior Project Manager Ben Clendon shares his experience of starting an investment portfolio – from picking shares to tracking performance and tax.

featured - scale idea money

How excessive percentage-based fees can warp risk and return

by Doug Morris | Mar 23rd 2017

Just as ETFs have challenged the value of active fund managers, fintech innovators are attacking the value proposition of high-cost platforms.

featured - blocks

Corporate actions and your investment performance

by Doug Morris | Mar 20th 2017

When a tricky a corporate action such as a spin off or takeover occurs, it’s important to fill the data gaps left by your broker and share registry.

Featured - Monopoly Dividend

3 reasons why dividend tracking is crucial

by Doug Morris | Mar 15th 2017

The importance of properly tracking the cash you receive from share investments, the tax implications, and the impact of dividend reinvesting.